IRO can help during a Route and Location search in many ways. Here are some.
Everything that is done during a Route and Location search can be documented in a simple text editor, the IRO Note, which is specifically tailored for SAR incidents.
Incident documents—such as the LPQ, completed ICS forms, scanned debriefing forms—can be imported into IRO, and cataloged in the IRO Note.
Incident images—such as clues, photos (images) of the missing subject, the missing person flyer, and maps of the search area—can be imported into IRO, and cataloged in the IRO Note
A PDF document, Essential Steps in Managing the Initial Response, describes the 16 steps that every Incident Commander should follow during the Initial Response phase of a Route and Location Search.
A risk assessment of an incident can be performed using three different models: the SPE Model, the GAR Model, and the Complacency Model.
Several plausible scenarios, suggesting what the missing person might have done after leaving the Initial Planning Point, can be developed, analyzed, and prioritized.
Over 200 documents devoted to search and rescue topics can be filtered, accessed, and downloaded from within the IRO Note. The IRO Manual is one of these documents.